Stay a while
Ross Place, Lawrence
© Mel Foster, 2020

Lawrence was home to New Zealand's most successful early provincial brewery - Simpson & Hart's Black Horse label, operating from Weatherstons at the east side of town.
Although the Hart's Black Horse Brewery closed in 1923, and little but ruins remain today, the site is also famous for another attraction - its daffodils.
Starting in 1895, the Hart family planted thousands of specially-imported daffodil bulbs around the site. This became a huge popular destination in the spring - in its heyday, special trains were laid on from Dunedin.
Many of the varieties present are now rare and of special scientific interest; uncounted other varieties have cross-pollinated over the past century and present a stunning display when they flower. The site also boasts a beautiful woodland garden, a waterfall, a vintage rhododendron forest and many other rare plant species.
In 2008, a charitable trust was formed with the aim of preserving and developing the site, which had fallen into disuse and disrepair. This initiative successfully re-opened Weatherstons to the public for several years, but then lost momentum.
However a community-led initiative in 2016 led to the reforming of the Trust with a new board, and with support and help from the people of Lawrence, the daffodil gardens were once again open to public view in 2017.
Opening season - late September/early October each year. Follow our Facebook page for up-to-date information.
Weatherstons Brewery and Daffodils Trust
80 Wetherstons Road, Gabriels Gully 9591, New Zealand
027 232 9963